
Vibrant Holistics is on a mission with an even larger community of advanced Holistic Health Practitioners, Visionaries, Motivators, Self-Empowerment Teachers, Sustainable Living Educators, Community-Retreat Center Creators, Block Chain Solutionaries and more. We have been communing and working together to share our common mission for a bigger collective vision for several years already. We have successfully shared Holistic Health & New Paradigm solutions, sharing and spreading the gifts we have each personally developed at the top conferences, festivals, and events around the world. We seek to continue to bring the power of collective collaboration to further spread Holistic Education/Solutions and share Immersive Healing Experiences which facilitate great cohesion between all people, as well as increased creative thinking.
To date, we have shared holistic immersions and education at some of the best festivals, events, and conferences in the world
We realize that what we have been collectively striving for is falling extremely short of what our true potential is for many, individually and collectively. Vibrant Holistics coordinates educational healing events for communities and implements holistic health programs for companies based on one-on-one coaching, collective motivation, team building, accountability and education with hands-on experiential integration.
Please contact us if you're interested in a speaker for conference/seminar experience, retreat, event, workshop or our fully mobile pop-up healing sanctuary.
Our calendar is filling up so contact us asap to ensure your event is supported with grounded healing practices to promote creativity and collaboration!
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We can not solve our problems using the same mind that created them."
-Albert Einstein
As a Conscious Ethical Collective everything we do serves a greater purpose to build a healthier more sustainable community together. Our collective give back project is designed to build health, strength, community, wellbeing, and happiness through sharing Holistic Health Education. Our practitioners are professionally trained in almost every field of certified holistic health therapies and are passionate about actively helping each person to evolve past their own limitations to access optimal health and wellness. As we share our holistic arts we intend to affect communities connection to each other, individual higher Self, health, connection to the therapeutic effects of a harmonious regenerative relationship to the Earth and our own naturally flowing peace.
Our practitioners offer custom events, private one-on-one session, classes, support groups, and retreats. These events are some of the deepest immersions into the alchemical process of self-transformation. Together we will focus our highest intentions for peace and well being in multi-day immersions, shamanic in nature we use the elements of nature and self to unveil the deep layers of a subconscious behavior. Journeying into the natural inner worlds with a supportive community setting where each being is honored and respected through their process of releasing deep seeds of hidden traumas and unhealthy habits. Naturally we incorporate learning to be with reality as it is through Mindfulness, Meditation, Mental Agility/Flexibility Training Techniques, Holistic Nutrition Testing/Coaching, Somatic Psychology, Yoga Therapy, Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability and various other techniques from scientifically proven holistic health practices as they apply to the individual, group and setting.
Our greater goal is to collectively draw proceeds from various project and partnerships to ultimately build sustainable holistic healing communities retreat and education centers in cities and countryside locations. We welcome all contribution, collaborations and prospective investor or franchisee interests to contact us about any of our projects. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about how to get involved with our Vibrant Holistics flagship project, Spirit Organic Superfood Cafe, In'Lakech Body Alchemy (superfood products & body product line), Spirit Event Bus/Food Truck, Vibrant Wellness Centers or The School of Evolution a Sustainable Holistic Community and Retreat Center.
Sustainable Spirit Event Bus & Superfood Truck: We are currently taking applications for sponsors and distributor opportunities for this exciting marketing opportunity, fueled by great visionaries, chefs, artists, and practitioners.
Right now we own a full-sized school bus that we are converting into a sustainable event pop-up shop and mobile Organic Superfood Truck. Mobilizing our outreach to bring education to as many communities and events we can. We will be sharing holistic health education, experiential events and exemplifying sustainable permaculture principles with the bus project. Together our practitioners are dedicated as a community of holistic health artists and educators working towards evolving past the limitations of our collective reality.
Hence, there is a time to go ahead and a time to stay behind.
There is a time to breathe easy and a time to breathe hard.
There is a time to be vigorous and a time to be gentle.
There is a time to gather and a time to release.
Can you see things as they are
And let them be all on their own?
~ Lao-Tau
Vibrant Holistics has been in continuing partnership with Spirit Medicine, Primordial Flow, Unify, TribeMatch, Green Earth Vision and many other projects and people to bring our tools to the masses through Transformational cultural gatherings focusing on the re-invention of how humanity functions together with the earth. These events are not your ordinary music concerts, we focus on building a culture of caring – for each other, ourselves, our neighbors, our planet. These gatherings are collaborative open-sourced villages, devoted to experimentation and inspired co-creation of the world we want to live in.
We believe that YOU, that everyone, has gifts to bring to the table!
Together we can!​
We have contributed to building and facilitating Healing sanctuaries at meaningful festivals, conferences and events such as Tribalize: Regenerative Living Summit, Sacred Hearts, Serenity, Bhakti/Shakti West fest, Enchanted Forest Gathering, Unity Fest, Portal to the New Earth: Sound Healing Gathering, Ancient Future and the Beloved Sacred Art & Music Festival. As we travel we will continue to fill our schedule with holistic education opportunities for the communities that wish to offer immersion experiences and education. Along with our outreach, we will also continue to coordinate healing events with Veterans, Children's Hospitals, Hospice support groups, Homeless Shelters, Addiction Rehabilitation, and Recovery Centers to ensure our work gets to the people that need it the most.
Thank you for your love and support!
All donors will be honored and supported for their contribution through sound healing, sessions, events, retreats and stays at the sustainable holistic center in proportion to contributions. Ask about our investor/donor program if you are interested in getting involved. Thank you!
In Lak'ech
(Mayan for "I am another you")

