Health Services
All of our services incorporate various techniques of Holistic Health and Healing Art modalities. Practitioners provide the techniques, solutions and practices that best suite each individual client. The benefit of such well and widely studied practitioners is that you are sure to find the healing technique that best suites your body and you on the path to whole wellness.
Some of the various fields of study & certifications we use to help you:
Usui Ryoho Reiki Master, Tibetan Buddist Tantra, Biofield Tuning & Vocal Sounding for Healing, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Cranial Sacral Therapy, Acupressure, Acu-Yoga, Yoga Therapy,
Yoga Nidra, Tibetan Dream Yoga, Breath Work Release Techniques,
Mantra/Yantra/Mudra/Asana Meditation Techniques, Ayurveda, Trauma Release Techniques,
Bioenergetic Exercises, Myofascial Strech/Release, Myotherapy, Reflexology, Tai Chi, Qi Gong,
Thai Massage, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tui Na Acupressure Massage,
5-Elemental Acupressure & Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Herbology, Hypnotherapy,
Guided Meditation/Imagery, Gua sha, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Hydrotherapy, Crystal Healing, Meridian Therapy, Energetic Anatomy, Anatomy/Physiology, Pathology, Oncology Massage, Polarity Therapy, Life Coaching, Holistic Nutrition Coaching, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Somatic Emotional Release Therapy, Communication Process Therapy, Life Coaching-Goal Oriented Clarity Practices,
- Tibetan/Buddist/Zen/Taoist/Kabbalistic/Yogic/Kundalini/Reiki -
- Meditation, Philosophy and Practice Techniques -
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is a guided-meditation practice that will take your body into conscious restorative sleep states. This technique has been proven to coax your body into a state of complete relaxation while working on your brains ability to stay conscious as it drops from Alpha to Theta and finally into a Delta brain-wave state. This Delta brain-wave state is normally only achieved by monks or Franciscan nuns after many years of meditation practice and is the deepest state of rejuvenation in the sleep cycle. With Yoga Nidra you achieve the benefits of a deep meditation practice in a single session and medically proven benefits with 5 (20-40 minute) sessions a week.
Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy, derived from the Yoga tradition of Patanjali and the Ayurvedic system of health care refers to the adaptation and application of Yoga techniques and practices to help individuals facing health challenges at any level manage their condition, reduce symptoms, restore balance, increase vitality, and improve attitude. Yoga therapy is that facet of the ancient science of Yoga that focuses on health and wellness at all levels: physical, psychological, and spiritual. Yoga therapy focuses on the path of Yoga as a healing journey that brings balance to the body and mind through an experiential understanding of the primary intention of Yoga: awakening of Spirit, our essential nature. There are many aspects and beneficial practices from the Yogic/Vedic traditions not taught in most studio classes such as yantra, mantra, mudra, pranayama or meditation techniques, all which are just as integral to a true yoga practice and highly therapeutic.
Sound Healing
Ancient vibrational tools such as Gongs, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Tuning Forks, Chanting and Singing have been used to induce meditative healing states for thousands of years. Precisely calibrated tuning forks are applied to specific points -- chakras, acupuncture and acupressure points on the body -- to balance the meridian and chakra energy systems. Gong, Forks, Tibetan Singing bowls, Chanting and singing vibrate the entire body down the the cellular and molecular structure.
Sound therapy is especially effective for pain management, but also good for balancing the energy flow through your meridians and body overall. Sound healing techniques in conjunction with breath work, gentle stretching and Yoga Nidra can bring you into healing states the body would normally only ever reach in the deepest cycles of high quality sleep.
Biofield Tuning
Harmonizing or balancing your chi or life-force energy — noted for its electromagnetic qualities when working with this modality — allows your system to reach an optimal state of wellness and vitality.
According to my personal teacher the renowned sound-therapy practitioner and award-winning author Eileen McKusick, sound healing can be used to address all manner of physical and emotional imbalances and unlock the hidden causes of illness — from digestive issues to depression, anxiety, and insomnia — and can also provide a boost to the immune system. As a pioneering researcher in sound healing therapy, she has spent more than 20 years exploring and mapping the human biofield. And she’s discovered that the human biofield contains very specific anatomy and physiology, which can be successfully modulated with the tone of a simple medical tuning fork to produce consistent therapeutic outcomes.
This proven sound-healing modality actually harmonizes the optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy, enhancing your immunity and promoting an overall state of wellbeing.
An empowering new understanding of the nature of your body and the world around you
Greater love and appreciation for your body and your life
Improved energy levels and overall health
A quieter mind and more comfort with emotions
Increased creativity and more effective problem solving
Clearer thinking and better sleep
Improved stress management
Improved breathing and a deep sense of being grounded
Cranial Sacral Therapy
Cranial Sacral Therapy (also known as craniosacral) is a gentle, noninvasive form of bodywork that addresses the bones of the head, spinal column, and sacrum. The goal is to release areas that have become compressed or misaligned, this can sometimes be as slight a micromillimeters but have the power to alleviates stress, dysfunction, and pain in the body. Cranial Sacral Therapy seeks to restore the natural position of the bones and can decrease stress to allow healing from minor to chronic injuries. Cranial Sacral can also provide relief from migraine headaches, neck and back pain, temporomandibular joint disorder (the inflammation of the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull) and a multitude of issues related to the Central Nervous System (CNS) function. The CNS governs all operations and regulating systems in the body this is why Cranial Sacral has been shown to be so effective and helpful for almost every condition known. In one example according to the National Headache Foundation, approximately 28 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches. Often, migraines are triggered or exacerbated by stress, poor sleep, muscular tension and misalignment in the spine/cranium. In a study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, researchers found that participants who received bodywork like Cranial Sacral Therapy had better quality sleep and fewer migraines than participants who didn't. Effects even lasted up to three weeks after therapy ended.
This unique type of therapy is very subjective and is a unique experience for most people. It is a light touch, energy directed, and heals on many levels by addressing a person’s cranial sacral system – literally the fluid that flows inside the head and spinal cord of our bodies. Gentle pressure focused on balancing the rhythm of the cerebral spinal fluid releases restrictions from the sacrum to the cranial area.
Some problems relieved by this procedure include headaches, ADD, dyslexia, small stroke syndrome, morning sickness, low back pain, joint pain, menstrual cramps, acute fever, acute pain, lazy eye, labor pain, autism, and numbness in hands or feet. It is a therapy that removes blockages, pressure points internally, and is effective for everything from persistent migraines, many types of physical injuries, and even emotional release from trauma. Pediatric therapy in this modality results in correction of birth trauma in newborns to healing toddlers and up with tone problems or learning disabilities. This is a therapy that can open up new avenues of healing for many people and is performed at Holistic Care Approach.
What is CranioSacral Therapy?
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle method of detection and correction that encourages your own natural healing mechanisms to dissipate these negative effects of stress on your central nervous system. You also can benefit from better overall health and resistance to disease.
While the validity of the cardiovascular and respiratory rhythms is undisputed today, for eons the very existence of these systems sparked debates in medical communities around the globe.
Now for nearly 30 years, osteopathic physician and researcher John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M., has been a proponent of using the rhythm of another body system – the craniosacral system – to enhance body functioning, and help alleviate pain and discomfort.
The craniosacral system consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. It extends from the bones of the skull, face, and mouth, which make up the cranium, down to the sacrum, or tailbone area.
Since this vital system influences the development and performance of the brain and spinal cord, an imbalance or restriction in it could potentially cause any number of sensory, motor or neurological disabilities. These problems could include chronic pain, eye difficulties, scoliosis, motor-coordination impairments, learning disabilities, and other health challenges.
What Conditions Does CranioSacral Therapy Address?
CranioSacral Therapy strengthens your body’s ability to take better care of you. It helps alleviate a range of illness, pain, and dysfunction, including:
Migraines and Headaches
Chronic Neck and Back Pain
Motor-Coordination Impairments
Stress and Tension-Related Problems
Infantile Disorders
Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
Chronic Fatigue
Central Nervous System Disorders
Emotional Difficulties
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)
Learning Disabilities
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Orthopedic Problems
Any Many Other Conditions
How Is CranioSacral Therapy Performed?
CranioSacral Therapy is performed on a person fully clothed. Using a light touch – generally, no more than the weight of a nickel – the practitioner monitors the rhythm of the craniosacral system to detect potential restrictions and imbalances. The therapist then uses delicate manual techniques to release those problem areas and relieve undue pressure on the brain and spinal cord.
A session can last from about 15 minutes to more than an hour, and it can be used alone or in conjunction with other therapeutic procedures.
The result? A central nervous system free of restrictions. And a body that’s able to return to its greatest levels of performance.
Conditions That May be Avoided or Improved by Treating Newborns:
CranioSacral therapy is a gentle, safe procedure for newborns and can help alleviate numerous symptoms of stress caused by system imbalance. They may include:
Hearing Problems
Motor Problems
Cerebral Palsy
Erb’s Palsy
Klumpke’s Palsy
Chronic Otitis
Hyperkinetic Behavior
Down Syndrome
Abnormal Fears
Failure-to-Thrive Syndrome
And Many Others
Traditional Thai Massage
Traditional Thai massage is an ancient healing system that combines broad and targeted acupressure, stimulation and manipulation of energy lines, called sen lines, and assisted yoga postures. Treatment effects are enhanced when the patient is fully relaxed and breathing deeply. There is constant body contact between the practitioner and client, but rather than rubbing, muscles are compressed, pulled, stretched and rocked in order to clear energy blockages, tension and holding patterns. The practitioner uses thumbs, palms, forearms, elbows, knees and feet to create a dance of movement on the body of the recipient. In this process, joints are opened, muscles and tendons are stretched, internal organs are toned, and energy is balanced. The overall effect is one of deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and physical and mental well being.
Usui Transformational Reiki
Reiki works on different levels of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual enhancing everything in life. Reiki is not only one of the oldest healing systems in use; it is also one of the most versatile. This ancient Japanese method of healing uses energy to balance the body and mind, and its benefits can be felt by both Reiki practitioners and their clients. In fact, Reiki is believed to improve just about any aspect of life, from physical health to emotional well-being to stress reduction and mental clarity. Reiki techniques are used to heal the body, mind, and spirit. It has been proven that Reiki can help people suffering from various major and minor ailments. It is often used as a complementary therapy in a number of hospitals today. It enhances the health care the patient receives both in the hospital and from outpatient health care providers. Reiki has not only helped patients with physical ailments but also helped those with minor psychological difficulties as well. The first step to feeling better is by actually 'feeling' better in your body, Reiki does just that from your very first session!
Reiki helps to promote harmony and balance. It is an effective, non-invasive energy healing modality that enhances the body’s natural healing ability whilst energizing and promoting overall wellness. Reiki works directly on restoring balance on all levels and works directly on the problem and condition instead of just masking or relieving symptoms.
Balance is what we find when we allow our minds to flow in a harmonious state with what our emotions are trying to tell us. Your brain will literally have better communication between the left and right hemispheres of your brain, your masculine/feminine, yin/yang for an overall sense of balance and well being, without labeling things as good or bad, positive or negative, etc.
2. Deep Relaxation and Rejuvenation
One of the most enjoyable aspects of Reiki is how it allows for us to drop into a deep state of relaxation, Delta-Theta Brainwave states, which have been proven to provide the deepest levels of cellular restoration and overall rejuvenation. Clients have reported feeling more clear, peaceful, relaxed, excited about life, and lighter in themselves.
Reiki provides a space where you can be more aware of what is going on inside your body and mind. To learn to listen to your own body and make wise well informed decisions regarding your path, purpose, and peace. Being more present means you are in your body and fully aware of all potential, possibilities, opportunities, and how to engage life in a fluid relaxed way!
3. Dissolves Energy Blocks
Regular Reiki treatments can bring about a calmer and more peaceful state of being, in which a person is better able to cope with everyday stress. This mental balance also enhances focus, learning, memory, balanced energy, and mental clarity.
Reiki can heal mental/emotional wounds and can help alleviate mood swings, fear, frustration, and even anger. Reiki can also strengthen and heal personal relationships,
as it enhances your capability to love, open you up to the people around you allowing your relationships to blossom to their full potential.
4. Assists Detoxification and Immune Boosting
We spend so much time in the stress-reactive fight/flight phase that it becomes our ‘norm’ when this happens our bodies actually get less versed in how to return to optimal balance (homeostasis).
Reiki reminds our bodies how to shift into the parasympathetic nervous system (rest/digest) self-healing mode.
Rest/digest doesn’t mean you have to stop being active and productive or ‘do nothing’. It simply means you are functioning from a more relaxed state, helping you to sleep better and efficiently focus with ease. All of which are so important to maintaining health and vitality. The more you are in this space, the more you can be active and productive without being stressed, exhausted, or burnt out.
5. Clears The Mind & Boosts Focused Energy
Reiki can support you in staying centered in the present moment rather than getting caught up in regrets about the past or anxieties about the future. It can strengthen your ability to accept and work with the way events are unfolding even when they don’t follow your desires or timetable. You begin to react to situations, people, and yourself in a supportive way rather than acting out of habit.
6. Aids Sleep & Relaxation
The number one outcome of receiving a Reiki session is relaxation. When we’re relaxed, we sleep better, our bodies heal better, we think more clearly, and we relate to each other more genuinely. Often clients will experience deep relaxation during their Reiki session and often go into a deeper brain wave state similar to the deeper states of the sleep-cycle during a session allowing for maximum restoration.
7. Accelerates The Body's Natural Healing Systems
Reiki healing aids in allowing you to quickly return to natural healing homeostasis and often a deeply regenerative state know as the most restorative brain wave states (Delta/Theta)
That means your breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure improve because of the deep relaxation induced by the Reiki session. Breathing deeper and easier is one of the first things to happen during a self-practice or treatment received from someone else. When we breathe better, our minds naturally calm into a more meditative state.
8. Helps Relieve Pain
On the outside looking in, a Reiki treatment might appear to be merely a sequence of hand placements, it works to restore balance on the deepest possible level. It encourages your system to improve your body’s vital functions on a physical, emotional, and mental level so your entire system function optimally in harmony with one another.
On the physical level, Reiki can also help to relieve a wide variety of physical issues: migraines, arthritis, sciatica ~ just to name a few. It has been shown to speed up recovery time and positive outcomes in hospitals and hospice facilities, now offered at more hospitals in the U.S.
9. Assists Spiritual Growth & Clarifies Purpose
You do not need to be into spirituality to enjoy the benefits of reiki. Yet, for many, they receive reiki treatments to support themselves through their self-healing journey i.e. spiritual growth / personal development.
Reiki addresses the whole person, rather than targeting individual symptoms. It can create profound, often subtle shifts from deep within your own being. What does that look like? Guidance about what to do around difficult situations can come more easily. Or it may inspire a change in attitude or belief about your situation. Suddenly, you see your condition from a fresh perspective and are able to deal with it in a more positive way. Or it might direct you to the right kind of action needed which is guided from within.
10. Compliments Medical Treatments & Therapies
Reiki is a wonderful complement to conventional medicine and helps relax patients on the levels of the mind and physical body. When a patient is relaxed the healing process is accelerated. People sleep much better and are calmer following Reiki treatments.
The beauty of Reiki is that it is non-invasive and is administered in a very gentle manner. The Reiki practitioner can easily and effectively give a session without touching the body in cases where patients have burns or major injuries.
Reiki is generally safe to use even if you have medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, or heart conditions. You may receive Reiki treatments if you are undergoing chemotherapy. Reiki treatments are great support throughout all stages of pregnancy and post-partum relief. Although there are no know contraindications for Reiki is it important to talk to your doctor before beginning any new health treatments or regimens.
11. You Can Reiki Yourself, Anywhere!
Many clients will learn Reiki for themselves by setting up a Level 1 Reiki Attunement so they can boost their own energy levels on a daily basis and harness the healing energies innate to your own body. Some are drawn to Reiki to support their physical healing, some want to delve deeper into their personal development. Through personally experiencing the benefits of reiki regularly we can open and create on levels we may have once never imagined before.
What is reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique. The predominant form of Reiki practiced throughout the world today, also known as Usui reiki, was created by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. It’s a complementary or alternative health approach. Reiki does not directly cure diseases or illnesses. Instead, it’s used as a way to manage symptoms and improve general well-being.
During a reiki session, the practitioner places their hands either directly on you or just above you to bring about healing. The belief is that the practitioner is able to stimulate your body’s natural healing abilities.
Read on to learn more about the benefits and side effects of reiki, and what to expect from a reiki session.
5 Health benefits of reiki
1. Relieves pain, anxiety, and fatigue
According to a review of randomized trials trusted Source, reiki may help to reduce pain and anxiety, though more research is needed. It may also help to reduce fatigue. A 2015 study trusted Source found that people being treated for cancer who received distant reiki in addition to regular medical care had lower levels of pain, anxiety, and fatigue. These levels were significantly lower than the control group, who only received medical care. Participants had 30-minute sessions of distant reiki for five days.
In another 2015 study, researchers looked at the effects of reiki on women following cesarean delivery. They found that reiki significantly reduced pain, anxiety, and the breathing rate in women 1-2 days after having a cesarean delivery. The need for and the number of analgesic pain killers was also reduced. Reiki didn’t have an effect on blood pressure or pulse rate.
A 2018 study trusted Source compared the use of reiki to physiotherapy for relieving lower back pain in people with herniated disks. Both treatments were found to be equally effective at relieving pain, but reiki was more cost-effective and, in some cases, resulted in faster treatment.
2. Treats depression
Reiki treatments may be used as part of a treatment plan to help relieve depression. In a small 2010 study, researchers looked at the effects of reiki on older adults experiencing pain, depression, or anxiety. The participants reported an improvement in their physical symptoms, mood, and well-being. They also reported more feelings of relaxation, increased curiosity, and enhanced levels of self-care.
Larger, more in-depth studies are required to expand upon these findings.
3. Enhances quality of life
The positive benefits of reiki can enhance your overall well-being. Researchers in a small 2016 study found that reiki was helpful in improving the quality of life for women with cancer. Women who had reiki showed improvements to their sleep patterns, self-confidence, and depression levels. They noted a sense of calm, inner peace, and relaxation.
Larger studies are needed to expand on these findings.
4. Boosts mood
Reiki may help to improve your mood by relieving anxiety and depression. According to results from a 2011 study, people who had reiki felt greater mood benefits compared to people who didn’t have reiki. The study participants who had six 30-minute sessions over a period of two to eight weeks showed improvements in their mood.
5. May improve some symptoms and conditions
Reiki may also be used to treat:
The relaxation response that happens with Reiki may benefit these symptoms. However, specific research is needed to determine the efficacy of reiki for the treatment of these symptoms and conditions.
Are there risks or side effects?
Reiki is non-invasive and thought to be a safe trusted source. It doesn’t have any known harmful side effects. For those with past trauma, lying quietly in a dim room with someone close to you might be uncomfortable.
Reiki is not intended to replace any doctor-approved treatment plan.
What happens during a reiki session?
A typical Reiki session lasts between 20 and 90 minutes. At your first appointment, you’ll meet with your reiki practitioner. You’ll have a short introduction or chat about the process and your expectations or intentions. Let your practitioner know about any symptoms you want to be addressed or if there are places in the body on which you’d like them to focus. Also, let the practitioner know if you have any injuries or places that are sensitive to touch.
You’ll be instructed to lie down on a treatment table or mat. They will cover you with a blanket. Usually, soft, relaxing music will be playing in the background. For the most part, there won’t be any talking during the session, but you can feel free to let your practitioner know if there’s something you need to feel more comfortable or to share what you’re experiencing.
The practitioner will move their hands around the body. They may touch you lightly or have their hands just above your body.
You may experience sensations in the body such as heat or tingling. Some people report seeing visualizations such as colors or pictures, or having memories appear. Try to allow whatever arises to pass without attaching too much meaning to it. Your experiences may become deeper the more you continue with reiki.
How to prepare for your appointment
Wear clean, loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. You may wish to wear natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, or silk. Remove your shoes, jewelry, and glasses before your session, and keep your phone switched off or leave it behind.
What to expect after your appointment
Drink plenty of water after your session. Some people feel calm, peaceful, or energized. You may also feel tired.